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7.5General Provisions

7.6Finfish Dealer License

7.7Shellfish Dealer License

7.8Crustacean Dealer License

7.9Multipurpose Dealer License

7.10Direct Sale Dealer License


7.12Importation of Non-indigenous (non-native) Horseshoe Crabs

7.13Striped Bass Tagging

7.14Tautog Tagging

7.15Summer flounder

7.16Lobster Exemption Certificate for Dealers

Title 250 Department of Environmental Management
Chapter 90 Marine Fisheries
Subchapter 00 N/A
Part 7 Dealers
Type of Filing Amendment
Regulation Status Inactive
Effective 11/20/2023 to 05/01/2024

Regulation Authority:

Title 20
Chapters 42-17.1
and 42-17.7
and in accordance with Chapter 42-35-18(b)(5)
Administrative Procedures Act of the Rhode Island General Laws of 1956
as amended.

Purpose and Reason:

1. Tautog tagging requirements (proposed new section 7.14):  Division proposal to amend the rule  to require that tautog cannot be sold, purchased, bartered, or traded in Rhode Island unless a tautog tag issued by the Director has been affixed to the left opercula bone with the tag number displayed, consistent with harvester tautog tagging requirements.

2. Summer flounder packaging requirements (sections 7.13(F)(5) and 7.15(F)(1)):  Division proposal to delete rule regarding summer flounder packaging requirements. The Division of Law Enforcement has indicated that summer flounder packaging requirements is no longer necessary and can hinder inspection operations.

3. Striped bass finning requirement (section 7.15(D)):  Division proposal to delete rule regarding the dealer requirement that striped bass may not be purchased and/or offered for sale if the entire right pectoral fin has been removed.  With new recreational slot limit recently adopted there is no longer an overlap and the rule is no longer needed.